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Clinical Science Rotation

Jan 2022 - March 2022

For our clinical science rotation,  we were partnered with Dr. Sharat Pani, an assistant professor of pediatric dentistry at Schulich Dentistry. We were very excited to begin our clinical rotation knowing that we would have many opportunities to go in person and learn. Although dentistry wasn’t a field that we had imagined for our clinical rotation as the bone and joint group, we were excited to immerse ourselves in this relevant healthcare field, learn about the multi-faceted nature of dental inequities from a clinician, and gain hands-on research experience.


  1. Reviewed REB application for multi-university COVID-19 Study: Reviewed comments and feedback from an ethics board on an application, recorded and made changes. **

  2. Data Collection and Organization for Retrospective Cohort Paper on Continuity of Care in the Healthy Smiles Program: Collected necessary patient information from Salud database, calculated necessary sample size, recorded data in an excel document, organized data to create a comparison between groups, developed master charts, collected references into a Mendeley database, began drafting outline and introduction ** 

  3. GIS Visualization of Data: Created a diagram to represent the geographic distance of patients in our sample size using GIS software

  4. Data Collection and Organization for Naima's (Ph.D. Student) Research Study on Stress and Oral Health: Developed a working list of patient information for recruitment to the study, co-created a fillable booking form for study slots, participated in a trial run of the study to measure flow and determine areas of confusion, de-briefed the survey and provided key feedback for improvements, co-created a study flow diagram, outlined a script for calling participants and will participate in the calling process

  5. Liaison with Western Technology and Updating UWO Children’s Clinic Website: Working under the guidance of Dr. Vieira we complied updated information for the children’s website, including outlining a recruitment form, and setting the foundation for an email to be developed that is specific to the Children’s Clinic


**these projects include confidential data  and are unable to be shared publically 

FSA Code Distance PDF (Large).jpg
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